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This page last modified May 23, 2005

Shepherds Purse: Attached Objects - Other types of attachment

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Attachment at hidden at bottom of pouch or unclear

In several sources, objects are visible at the bottom of a pouch and appear to be attached either to the bottom edge of the pouch or to a belt lying hidden under the pouch. The majority of these fall in the same period as the ring-attachments, but occur in manuscripts rather than tapestries.

Le Livre des Faits et Gestes

Zodiacal Man

Hours of Henry VIII

The Fitzwilliam MS. 63 is among the earliest group (early 15th c.) showing both hanging objects and a Shepherds Purse. None of this early group have the objects attached directly to the pouch. They may, however, appear to be hung from the "belt section" of a crescent-shaped pouch, as in the following group.

Attachment method unclear

Norfolk MS 307

De Levis Hours

Vienna Hours

Grande Heures of Anne of Brittany

Zodiacal Man

Rohan Hours

Objects are attached to belt by straps

This occurs in only one source -- the Gloucester cathedral misericord -- and there are no pouches present. This and the following example date to an earlier period than the period when Shepherds Purses and attached objects are found in common.

Object hung from cord

Similarly, the Luttrell Psalter shows a container hung from the belt by a cord, when no pouch is present.

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