Shepherds Purse: manuscript - Ottheinrichsbibel (swineherd)

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This bible was created ca. 1425-30 in Regensburg and is currently located at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (Cgm 8010/1.2, fol. 18v). The only regular exception to the association of the Shepherds Purse style exclusively with shepherds are an assortment of swineherds bearing similar styles of pouch. If the defining characteristics of the style are dictated by the nature of the shepherds work, this is not necessarily an exception at all.

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The swineherd here wears a somewhat uncharacteristic style, however, being a rectangular pouch more reminiscent of styles associated with pilgrims. It isn't clear whether it is worn around the waist or slung from the shoulder.


Regensburger Buchmalerei von frühkarolingischer Zeit bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. 1987. Prestel-Verlag, München. pl.160