Shepherds Purse: tapestry & woodcut - Scenes of childhood

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The tapestry is catalogued by Joubert as: "Inv. Cl. 1233, Réinventoiré en 1944, Inv. CL. 22403, Laine et soie, 6 fils de chaîne au cm; HG: 1,08; HD: 1,05, LH: 2,02, LB: 1,995." The discussion seems to place it in the mid 16th century. The second item is a woodcut of the annunciation to the shepherds which is believed to have been the model for the tapestry. It is catalogued as: "L'Annonce aux bergers. Heures de Pigouchet pour Vostre. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. (imprimé à Paris à la fin du XVe siècle par Pigouchet pour Simon Vostre, 17 septembre 1496; Paris, Bibl. nat. Rés. des Imp. Vélins 1547)".

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Shepherds of both sexes at the annunciation, most wear pouch-belts with attached rings and hanging implements, including knives and round boxes. One man's pouch is only visible in the woodcut.

For the other three figures, the two media have similar portrayals.


Joubert, Fabienne. 1987. La tapisserie médiévale au musée de Cluny. Éditions de la Re/union des musées nationaux, Paris. p.192, fig. 193; p.194, fig. 196