Shepherds Purse: tapestry - Chaumont "Scene of hunting and dance"

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Joubert provides the following information about this item:

Scène de chasse et de danse. Washington, The Corcoran Gallery of Art (Shepherd, D. G> 1961. "Three tapestries from Chaumont" in The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 48: 158-177 p.170; Souchal, G. 1966. "Les tapisseries de Chaumont au Cleveland Museum of Art" Compte rendu de Shepherd 1961, in Bulletin Monumental 124: 219-223, p.221)

A group of fairly well-dressed shepherds dance in a ring in a generic pastoral scene, while a group of nobly-dressed hunters gathers in the background. Most of the shepherds of both sexes wear pouch belts with attahced rings with implements, but the photo is too small and grainy for many details. Note that the hunters, if they wear pouches, wear a different style.


Joubert, Fabienne. 1987. La tapisserie médiévale au musée de Cluny. Éditions de la Re/union des musées nationaux, Paris. p.123, fig. 113