Key to the Exercise of Unit 3c

Exercise 1

Normal Order Subject Emphasis/Mixed Order
Ydd oedd y ci yn wynn. Y ci a oedd yn wynn.
Y gwelei ef y coed. Ef a welei y coed.
Y barnav i y gwyr. Mi a varnav y gwyr.
Y daethant wynt. Wynt a ddaethant.
Y meddylywys ef. Ef a veddylywys.
Y cymerth ef y march. Ef a gymerth y march.
Ydd adawav i y llys. Mi a adawav y llys.

Exercise 2

No. 1

Ydd oedd y ci yn wynn. The dog was white.
Nyd oedd y ci yn wynn. The dog wasn't white.
Gwynn oedd y ci. The dog was white.
Nyd wynn oedd y ci. The dog wasn't white.
Y ci a oedd yn wynn. The dog was white. (or no emphasis)
Y ci nyd oedd yn wynn. The dog wasn't white.
Nyd y ci oedd yn wynn. The dog wasn't white.

No. 2

Y gwelei ef y coed. He saw the wood.
Ny welei ef y coed. He didn't see the wood.
Y coed a welei ef. He saw the wood. (or no emphasis)
Y coed ny welei ef. He didn't see the wood.
Nyd y coed a welei ef. He didn't see the wood.
Ef a welei y coed. He saw the wood.
Ef ny welei y coed. He didn't see the wood.
Nyd ef a welei y coed. He didn't see the wood.

No. 3

Y barnav i y gwyr. I will judge the men.
Ny varnav i y gwyr. I will not judge the men.
Y gwyr a varnav i. I will judge the men. (or no emphasis)
Y gwyr nyd varnav i. I will not judge the men.
Nyd y gwyr a varnav i. I will not judge the men .
Mi a varnav y gwyr. I will judge the men. (or no emphasis)
Mi ny varnav y gwyr. I will not judge the men.
Nyd vi a varnav y gwyr. I will not judge the men.

No. 4

Y daethant wynt. They came.
Ny ddaethant wynt. They didn't come.
Wynt a ddaethant. They came. (or no emphasis)
Wynt ny ddaethant. They didn't come.
Nyd wynt a ddaethant. They didn't come.

No. 5

Y meddylywys ef. He was thinking.
Ny veddylywys ef. He wasn't thinking.
Ef a veddylywys. He was thinking. (or no emphasis)
Ef ny veddylywys. He wasn't thinking.
Nyd ef a veddylywys. He wasn't thinking.

No. 6

Y cymerth ef y march. He took the horse.
Ny chymerth ef y march. He didn't take the horse.
Y march a gymerth ef. He took the horse. (or no emphasis)
Y march ny chymerth ef. He didn't take the horse.
Nyd y march a gymerth ef. He didn't take the horse.
Ef a gymerth y march. He took the horse. (or no emphasis)
Ef ny chymerth y march. He didn't take the horse.
Nyd ef a gymerth y march. He didn't take the horse.

No. 7

Ydd adawav i y llys. I will leave the court.
Nyd adawav i y llys. I will not leave the court.
Y llys a adawav i. I will leave the court. (or no emphasis)
Y llys nyd adawav i. I will not leave the court.
Nyd y llys a adawav i. I will not leave the court.
Mi a adawav y llys. I will leave the court. (or no emphasis)
Mi nyd adawav y llys. I will not leave the court.
Nyd vi a adawav y llys. I will not leave the court.


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